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CEG4350/CEG5350 - Operating Systems



Instructor: Dr. Thomas Wischgoll

303 Russ Engineering Center

Office Hours (Russ 303): Tue/Thur 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
(or by appointment)
Textbooks: Avi Silberschatz and Peter Galvin
Operating System Concepts
5th Ed, Addison-Wesley
ISBN 0-201-59113-8

W. Richard Stevens
Advanced Programming in the Unix Environment
ISBN: 0-201-56317-7
Lecture: Tue 3:30 pm - 4:50 pm
Thur 3:30 pm - 4:50 pm
Russ 144
Exams: Midterm: Tue, October 12th, 3:30 pm (in class or online)
Final: Tue, December 12th, 2:45 pm - 4:45 pm
Grading Policy: 30% (assignments) + 30% (midterm) + 40% (final)= 100%
 There will be a 3% extra credit for taking the quiz in pilot during the first week of class.
  Each class is different. Therefore, no absolute grading scheme can be defined in advance. However, the following guarantees will always be made:


Course Goals/Objectives

By the end of this quarter, you should be able to apply the learned concepts to the following:

During the course we will discuss topics from the following areas:


If you are unsure about any of these requirements, come talk to me.

Course Format

The course consists of three lectures a week. Attendance of the lectures is not strictly mandatory. However, you are responsible for all materials, announcements, assignments, etc. covered in either the lecture or assignments. If you miss a class, consult a classmate for any missed materials.

The purpose of the class is for everyone to understand the issues involved with the management of resources in multi-user computer systems. Emphasis is on problems of file-system design, process scheduling, memory allocation, protection, and tools needed for solutions. Course projects use the C/C++ language and include the design of portions of an operating system. If you don't understand something during class, please ask. If you are confused, it is likely that a few of your classmates are as well. Also, listen to others' questions. Many times you'll think you understand a concept until you hear someone else's question about it. Dialogue is the best way to learn things, so don't be afraid to speak up.

There will be assignments to be returned on the specified date, one in class midterm, and one final exam. The grade will be determined as stated earlier.


Assignments are designed to help you learn the course concepts and are the primary course "homework". I intend to give two assignments weighed equally. For solving the loboratory problems, you can use any Linux-based computer you have access to. You may be able to use the Windows Subsystem for Linux. Late submissions will get a 10% deduction for each day it is late. After being three days late, the submission will no longer be excepted. Corrupt files or other computer problems will not be considered a sufficient excuse to extend a deadline. It is your responsibility to back-up your work. I strongly suggest that you save your work to multiple locations/media to aid in the recovery of corrupt files.

Office Hours

Office hours are as listed above or by appointment. If you are unable to come to the posted office hours, contact me and we can arrange to meet. There is no reason why anyone should be unable to see me if they need to.

Other Resources

The class web page is maintained at It will keep information, assignments, announcements, etc. There is also a class mailing list. Make sure your email address is registered with the registration system. Please check the web page and read your email. I will try to make any announcements in both places as well as in class, but you don't want to miss anything.

Class Policy

  • Assignments that are submitted late will incur a penalty.
  • The solution for the assignments has to be turned in electronically as described in the project description to receive full credit.
  • During the midterm and final, after completing the test, each student must sign his test solution in with the instructor.


    Fine Print

    Exams Exams will emphasize insight and problem solving ability rather than memorization. Exams will be closed notes, closed book, and no laptops or calculators.

    Missed Exams Makeup exams will only be given for the gravest of reasons. If you must miss an exam due to extreme illness, etc., contact the instructor (email is fine) or leave a message with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering office (937-775-5131) before the exam. Be sure to leave both the reasons for missing the exam and how to reach you.

    Add/drop Policy A copy of the add/drop policy is available at the main office or online.

    Cheating Please do not. I am not obsessed with looking for cheating, but if I see something suspicious, I will refer it to the Office of Judicial Affairs. This is more work for me, and is embarrassing for everyone.  Again, please don't; this has been a problem in the past. If the rules are unclear or you are unsure of how they apply, ask the instructor beforehand. The acacemic integrity policiy as available online. Make sure you are familiar with that policy. In particular, note that using any type of online material without referencing the source is considered an academic integrity violation.

    Generative AI You are not permitted to use generative AI tools for any work for this section of this course. This includes the use of popular tools like ChatGPT, Midjourney, GitHub Co-Pilot, as well as all other tools built on generative AI technologies. Due to the nature of this course, the professor can only fairly and accurately evaluate work that is not assisted by generative AI. Use of generative AI for assigned work in this course will be considered a violation of the university's academic integrity policies. If you have any questions about whether or not use of a particular tool or technology is allowed, check with your instructor first.

    Feedback If you like, dislike, or don't understand something I'm doing with the course, please stop by my office hours, send me email, or paste together a note from newspaper clippings and drop it in my mailbox. I won't always change things, but I will always explain why I'm doing them the way I am.

    Copyright All federal and state copyrights reserved for all original material presented in this course through any medium, including lecture or print. Individuals are prohibited from being paid for taking, selling, or otherwise transferring for value, personal class notes made during this course to any entity without the express written permission of the lecturer or copyright holder. Some slides used during the lecture comes from the author of the textbook as shown by the title slide of those sets and therefore carry the textbook's authors' copyright.

    Last modified Tuesday December 05, 2023