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CEG4510/CEG6510 - Computer Animation



First assignment: Based on your PLY-renderer from Computer Graphics, implement a camera-path in such a way that the camera flies around the object rendered. Use gluLookAt to specify the camera settings. The camera-path should follow a quintic polynomial curve. Hence, you will need to specify suitable control points placed around the object. This then allows you to compute a parameterized camera-path which can be used for the animation. As the look-at point, the center of the bounding box of the object can be used. Utilize the animate feature in GLUT to increment the parameter so that the camera flies around the object and renders a new image every time the camera changes (you should check the current time so that the camera speed does not depend on the speed of the computer.) For testing, the following sample files are available:

For reading ply files, you can use these sources or you can use this ply renderer.

Second assignment: Implement a mass-spring system that simulates a surface. The surface should consist of 4x4 grid of points defining a cubic Bezier patch and can be drawn using simple triangles connecting the grid points. The software should allow a user to move the grid points parallel to the image plane. Define a mass-spring system where a certain mass is assumed at the grid points and the grid points are connected via springs along the parameter lines. Once a grid point is moved, the tension in the system should relax slowly resulting in a cloth-like animation of the surface. For students taking this class at the 600-level it is expected that the normals are specified correctly within the deCasteljau algorithm to ensure proper lighting.
Third assignment: Create an animation of a walking skeleton. In order to animate this model, which was downloaded from here, use blender to separate the individual parts needed for walking. Based on the inverse kinematics technique cyclic coordinate decent the system should be able to automatically control the individual components by simply specifying to put one foot in front of the other.
Final project: Design a particle system that incorporates collision detection. Use simple spheres to represent the particles. Start particels randomly at the top. Gravitational force pulls the particles downward into a container that has a dent in the center of its bottom. The particles can bounce off the container as well as collide with each other which may change their direction. During the simulation, your software should still allow a user to rotate, zoom, or pan. For students taking this class at the 600-level it is expected that the normals are specified correctly to ensure proper lighting.
Last modified Thursday February 04, 2021