First laboratory project: |
Using the editor vi, create a file answer.txt and explain what .bashrc, .bash_history, and an alias is. Please add your name at the top of the file. Use the command turnin from the directory /home/ceg333/ceg33300/bin/ to turn in your resulting file. Remember to give the project number P0 as the first option to the turnin command, i.e. turnin P0 answer.txt. This project is due on Mon, April 9, 2007.
Second laboratory project: |
Develop a bash script called cleanUp that cleans up the contents of the current directory:
delete files whose names are of the form f.o provided one of the corresponding f.cpp, f.c, or f.C file exists;
rename files whose names are of the form f.text.txt to f.txt;
Rename files whose names are of the form f.mpeg.mpg or f.mpg.mpeg to f.mpg.
To test your cleanUp script, develop a test script that creates a few files that fit the three categories, list the current directory, invokes the cleanUp script and lists the current directory again.
Use the command turnin from the directory /home/ceg333/ceg33300/bin/ to turn in your resulting file. Remember to give the project number P1 as the first option to the turnin command, i.e. turnin P1 cleanUp This project is due on Mon, April 30, 2007.
Third laboratory project: |
For a given source file, write a makefile to compile this source file and generate an executable. Using gdb, find the cause of the error that results when you execute this compiled executable. Fix the problem so that the executable succesfully copies the string. Turn in the corrected source file, your makefile, as well as a readme file describing what the cause for the error in the source file was and how you fixed it. Remember to use the turnin script from the directory /home/ceg333/ceg33300/bin to turn in your files with the project identifier P2. This project is due on Wed, May 9, 2007.
Fourth laboratory project: |
The file general.txt that we used earlier in class contains several html-tags. To make it look nicer as a text file, remove any html-tags, i.e. anything enclosed in < and >, using sed. Also remove any duplicate empty lines that consist of zero or more spaces, i.e. if a line consisting of only spaces or an empty line is followed by another line consisting of spaces or another empty line, the second one is to be removed. Remember to use the turnin script from the directory /home/ceg333/ceg33300/bin to turn in your files with the project identifier P3. This project is due on Wed, May 30, 2007.