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S399 - Introduction to Scientific Visualization



First assignment: Create a virtual environment of the Wright State campus. A model of the campus is already available for Windows and Linux. Extend this software so that you can roam around in this virtual environment using gamepads and Wii controllers available in Russ 315. Example code is provided for accessing joysticks and Wiimotes if necessary.
Second assignment: Design a visualization software for vector data sets. Your software should be able to read VTK structured grid data sets, for example this one or this one, using stream tubes. Your software should allow a user to place multiple starting points for the stream tubes using KWidgets. In order to compute the streamlines you can use the code provided on this web page.
Final project: Implement a volume renderer based on the 3D texture rendering capabilities provided by the graphics hardware. To adjust the accuracy of the rendering, your software should allow for some form of adjustment of the number of planes used during run-time. Your software should also provide a user interface for adjusting the transfer functions for color and opacity. For this, create a widget that plots the histogram overlaid with the curve representing the transfer function similar to this image as provided by KWWidgets.
Last modified Thursday March 26, 2015